Dispute resolution, including litigation and arbitration, is one of Elvang & Partnere’s leading professional qualifications. We assist with dispute resolution related to conflicts within all parts of our business areas.
Our assistance in that regard encompasses inter alia:
Counselling and legal opinion as concerns the given case’s litigation risks and possible alternative dispute resolution options. The focal point for counselling remaining at all times the commercial risks and the risk of litigation costs related to the given case.
Participation in litigation and arbitration proceedings, including proceedings both in front of ad hoc arbitration courts as well as institutional arbitration courts such as fore instance The Danish Institute of Arbitration and The Arbitration Board on Building and Construction Work (“Voldgiftsnævnet for Bygge- og Anlægsvirksomhed”).
Participation as party appointed arbitrator in arbitration proceedings, especially proceedings within the IT law business area
Participation in all kinds of proceedings for enforcement, including inter alia attachment proceedings, execution without a court order and bankruptcy petitions
Participation in all kinds of preliminary and/or out of court proceedings, such as arrest of property, restrictive injunction, perpetuation of proof, out of court report etc.
Participation in proceedings in front of administrative organs and tribunals and/or branch specific organs, such as inter alia “Arbejdsmarkedets Ankenævn”, “Klagenævnet for Ejendomsformidling”, “Klagenævnet for Udbud” and The Danish Competition Authority (“Konkurrencestyrelsen”)
Settlement negotiations and settlement agreements
Cooperation with foreign lawyers as concerns litigation or arbitration proceedings to be conducted abroad or as concerns possible proceedings for enforcement abroad of a Danish judgement or arbitration ruling
International procedural and choice of law matters
Debt collecting
All of our lawyers specialised in dispute resolution have great expertise with all of the above services and they may furthermore be supplemented on a given case, should the need for such supplementation arise, by one or more of our other lawyers having specialised in the specific business area, within which the particular case falls.